By Vija Beinerte and Edvarts Krusts
October 23, 2024

On October 7 of last year, the Palestinian Sunni paramilitary political party "Hamas," which won a majority seat in the Palestinian National Authority during the 2006 elections, invaded Israel, killing more than 1,400 people in one day, of whom 850 were civilians, including infants and minor children; an additional 250 hostages were taken. This is the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and can be considered genocide against the Israeli people, as all these individuals were killed because of their national identity.
Important Note: “Islamic terrorism was created as a KGB project. The process began in the 1970s, and its ideological father was Yuri Andropov. Hundreds of his agents were tasked with convincing the Arab world that its main enemies were Israel and the USA. Andropov used Islamic countries as a Petri dish where KGB agents cultivated the virus of hatred based on Marxism-Leninism.” So writes Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former general of the Romanian secret service, who has compiled his experiences in the books "Red Horizons," "Programmed to Kill," and "Disinformation."
It is no wonder that the terrorist group "Hamas" is trained and funded not only by Iran but also by communist China and Russia.
Now Israel is forced to respond with a counterstrike against Hamas and its supporters in Lebanon and Iran to protect its citizens. Unfortunately, there are no indications that the Palestinian leadership is willing to resolve the conflict through negotiations.
The militants continue to set up their strategic centers and weapon warehouses beneath schools, hospitals, and residential blocks. They openly declare that their goal is the complete destruction of Israel.
Those who know history and have studied geography understand that the slogan "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" also expresses a death threat against the state of Israel and its citizens.
Therefore, it is quite concerning that on October 5 of this year, an event took place at the Esplanade near the Rainis monument, where the Palestinians killed in the conflict caused by Hamas were commemorated, and Israel was condemned as an aggressor, while Israel's right to defend its citizens was referred to as "genocide against the Palestinians."
According to LSM, “the event was attended by several dozen people,” and they were “observed by Latvian Television.” Among the participants was also the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Atis Švinka, a member of the “Progressives” party, who explained his participation as “a stand against violence.”
Unfortunately, such a statement demonstrates the irresponsibility of a state official and a low level of education.
Furthermore, the fact that Švinka is still in his position indicates dangerous symptoms within the power structures. As Māris Antonevičs accurately points out: “If a minister or his team raises doubts and mistrust with their actions, then it is not only his or his party's problem but a problem for the government and also for the state of Latvia.”
Three years ago, when Liga Krapāne, a public relations worker at the State Audit Office, signed a letter addressed to state leaders regarding Covid-19, she had to leave her job because "a state official must not publicly express a personal opinion." Although the letter did not express an opinion but posed questions for which the 150 citizens who signed the letter wanted answers according to the law.
On the other hand, parliamentary secretary Atis Švinka, who met with the Israeli ambassador before the manifestation on October 5 to express condemnation of the country she represents, definitely expressed an opinion. The war between Israel and Hamas is rooted in a history that, unfortunately, many people in Latvia, even at the government level, do not understand. As recently pointed out in an interview with "Diena" by Leon Taivans, a professor of Asian Studies at the University of Latvia, even the head of the Latvia Institute of International Affairs’ Middle Eastern Research Program, Sintija Broka, publicly spews complete nonsense about this conflict.
When, after World War II, the UN offered to divide the territory of Palestine between the two nations or ethnic groups living there—Palestinian Arabs and Jews—the Jews accepted this offer and proclaimed the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. However, the very next morning, the Arab League, consisting of Egypt, the Palestinian protectorate, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia, invaded Israel with the aim not to occupy or annex it but to destroy it.
However, Israel, which at that time had approximately 700,000 inhabitants, won the war that lasted ten months. Since the day of its establishment, Israel has been willing to recognize the so-called two-state solution, which means a legally established and internationally recognized division between Israeli and Arab inhabited territories. However, the Arabs have always rejected this idea.
As Professor Taivans clearly states: "Palestinian Arabs declared that they would fight against the State of Israel. And that demarche has continued for almost 80 years."
As a result, there are two million Arabs in Gaza who are raised from birth in hatred against Israel.
The official representative of Hamas, Sheikh Hamad Al-Regeh, stated in April 2023: “Allah has made the Jews filthy, dirty animals, like monkeys and pigs, because they harbor injustice and evil.” He concluded his address with a prayer: “Oh, Allah, give us the opportunity to grip the Jews by the throat!”
The preamble of the Hamas founding charter states: “Israel exists and will continue to exist only until Islam abolishes it just as Islam has abolished all others.”
Equally important is the thesis of former Hamas leader Khalid Mashal that no nation has gained freedom without sacrifices, as “civilians always die in war, but the blood of women and children liberates the revolutionary spirit.”
Journalist Douglas Murray, author of the books "The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam" and "The Madness of Crowds," visited Israel in October 2023 to see the events with his own eyes. Since 2006, Murray has been to Israel several times, just as he has been to war-torn Ukraine. He views the events of October 7, 2023, as decisive not only for Israel but for all of Western civilization.
Billions of dollars that the Hamas party has received from various international organizations since 2006 (16.3 billion in the last seven years alone) have been invested not in education, healthcare, and housing construction, but in weapons and the construction of bunkers and tunnels beneath civilian structures.
Israel, preparing its counterstrike, as always warned the residents of Gaza about the impending attack on military targets. However, those civilian residents who tried to flee Gaza were killed by Hamas fighters themselves. Those who did not attempt to evacuate died solely because Hamas used them as human shields to protect military targets.
Douglas Murray, speaking from the scene, recounted a case where a Jewish girl, taken hostage, was raped, brutally killed, and then thrown onto the streets of Gaza, where a crowd of “peaceful” Palestinians spat on and kicked her naked, lifeless body. No one even tried to stop the desecration of the corpse.
The "peaceful" Palestinians elected Hamas and support it. Meanwhile, those who do not support it have fled to Israel and are now viewed by Hamas as the greatest evil because they can testify to the indoctrination of hatred that has been implemented in Palestinian schools since the first grade.
However, the most important point is how Douglas Murray formulates the difference between Nazis and Hamas: Nazis, who shot Jews in the back of the head, tried to forget it in the evenings by drinking, and later attempted to conceal their crimes, whereas Hamas fighters take pride in their actions. They film their atrocities, call their relatives, and happily report: “Father, father, I killed ten Jews with my own hands; tell that to mother!”
And they are ready to kill again and again until there is not a single “infidel,” Jew, or Christian left in the world.
Israel understands this and takes this message seriously. But the West, as always, tries to deter Israel from responding to the aggressor. The victims in Gaza are not victims of war; they are victims of peacekeeping efforts. “It is not Israel, but the Western world that is the weak link in this chain,” concludes Douglas Murray in a direct broadcast.
Israel is fighting against terrorists, protecting not only itself but also Western civilization and the values upon which our civilization is founded. Therefore, any event dedicated to Palestine, regardless of how humanitarian the motives of those participating might be, expresses support for terrorists, granting them legitimate rights to rape, murder, slice open pregnant women’s bellies, behead infants, and then loudly rejoice over it.
Seven years ago, Juris Rudevskis answered the question of what is common between leftist liberalism and Islamic ideology: “The so-called liberal ideology and radical political Islamic ideology are united by the belief that paradise on earth will come when all dissenters are destroyed or completely subjugated.”
“Islam is essentially a dual and double phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a religion because it postulates human relations with the transcendent—the supernatural and the eternal. But there is also a second aspect—Islamism or political Islam, whose roots are found in the same texts—the Quran and Hadith. Thus, Islam combines morality, law, and faith into a single whole. Political Islam or Islamism is an ideology, just like communism or Nazism.”
The goal of Islamism is to gain political power. In the Quran, Surah 8, verse 39 states: "And fight them until there is no fitnah (i.e., resistance to Islam) and until all religion is for Allah (i.e., Islam is established everywhere)." Islamists and most of their theologians see this as an encouragement for a specific course of action: first, an Islamic state must be established, which will eventually seize world power; and then, according to Surah 9, verse 29, the Jews and Christians who do not want to convert to Islam will become second-class citizens and will pay a head tax.
It is hoped that, due to economic and psychological pressure, they will convert sooner or later. The foundation of Judeo-Christian civilization is love for God, which is expressed in love for one’s neighbor. Christ teaches: "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets!" (Matt. 7:12)
However, the Islamic prophet Muhammad attacked a caravan returning from Medina to Mecca, which was carrying jewelry and money, declaring this act of aggression as a blessing from Allah. He then killed all the male members of the Banu Qurayza Jewish tribe, beheading them, while the women were turned into his slaves. Such has been the declaration of faith in Islam since the 7th century of our era, when Jews were offered a compromise: either accept Islam or die—simply for being Jewish.
It is important to understand that after Rome destroyed Jerusalem, the Jews, living in exile for almost two thousand years, managed to preserve their national consciousness, language, and religion, eventually returning to their ancestral land. Israel is the only historical territory where, around the 11th century BCE, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob experienced their first statehood. Around the 7th century BCE, it was conquered and subjugated by Assyria, later by Babylon, Persia, Macedonia, Rome, and ultimately the latest arrivals in the 7th century CE were Arab Muslims, whose origins have no connection to the land of Israel or the term Palestine.
Yet the “progressive” parliamentary secretary of the Foreign Ministry, Švinka, goes to honor Israel’s enemies, ignoring the evidence of history.
Moreover, more than 500 “useful idiots” signed a letter to the country’s top officials demanding to influence the judiciary, as the advocate for the “I Want to Help Refugees” organization, Ieva Raubiško, is currently being tried for helping five illegal immigrants from Syria cross the Latvian border when they were brought there by the special services of Russia and Belarus. Raubiško does not admit her guilt, stating that helping refugees illegally enter the country is not a crime.
Additionally, the “progressive” Minister of Culture, Agnese Lāce, whose previous studies focused on immigration and integration, was a board member of the criminal organization “I Want to Help Refugees” at the time this organization was involved in the entry of Syrian illegal immigrants into Latvia.
And two more paradoxes: When Hamas or Hezbollah terrorists launch rockets at Israel, their goal is to kill Israelis. Whether they are civilians or military personnel is of little importance because the aim is to destroy "the more, the better." In contrast, Israel responds with precise targeting of enemy military facilities and terrorist leaders. By destroying Hezbollah units stationed in Lebanon, Israel is effectively doing the work that the United Nations Organization cannot or will not do.
The second paradox: Russia remains a member of the UN Security Council with veto power, while Israel faced a demand from the General Assembly of this global bureaucratic organization in September of this year to “end the illegal presence” in the occupied Palestinian territories. Although historically there has never been any “Palestinian people,” this concept was invented by Kremlin propagandists in the 1950s.
The flow of illegal migrants to the US and Europe is part of the globalists' "open borders" and nation assimilation plan, fervently supported by the Democratic Party in the US and leftist liberals in the European Union.
Indeed, an increasing number of Americans and Europeans are beginning to wake up. In July of this year, Germany's Interior Ministry announced the closure of one of the oldest and largest mosques in the country—the Blue Mosque in Hamburg. "This is a stance not against religion but against the center of radical Islam, which collaborates with the Lebanese Shiite political party Hezbollah, spreading aggressive anti-Semitism and endangering the safety of our citizens and the state," the statement said. Raids took place at 53 terrorist properties in eight German federal states. Authorities also shut down terrorist subgroups in Frankfurt, Munich, and Berlin.
Meanwhile, Denmark, which has been friendly and open towards "the others" for decades, has finally realized that the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants threatens the country and its citizens, becoming an unbearable social and criminal burden. The globalist mouthpiece "Human Rights Watch" immediately accused Denmark of racism, while the European Commission expressed outrage that the Danish government values the interests of its citizens over those of refugees. However, the Minister of Immigration and Integration refuted these claims, explaining that Denmark only accepts asylum seekers who apply for help legally and have previously passed the selection of the United Nations, confirming that they are indeed politically persecuted in their home countries. Now, illegal immigrants from Denmark are being deported to third countries outside Europe.
In October of this year, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni signed an order to expel Imam Zulfikar Khan from the country for preaching and supporting Islamic terrorism, specifically Hamas. This cleric has been active in Italy since 1995, urging the destruction of Western civilization and calling on Allah to annihilate all Western countries that support Israel. "Freedom of speech is protected by law, but propaganda for terrorism is not," stated the government's announcement.
Meanwhile, US Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly spoken about the need to decriminalize crossing borders and legalize illegal immigrants. However, before the elections, she must change her rhetoric, as over the past few years, the country has been flooded with an estimated 12 to 22 million illegal immigrants, bringing with them drug trafficking, an unprecedented wave of crime, and a massive social burden that weighs heavily on taxpayers.
Recently, the agency "Daily Wire" revealed that Harris is linked to Imam Mohamed Ali Elahi, who supports Hezbollah and praises the leader and ideologist of Iran's bloody 1979 revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini.
This connection with Islamists is also characteristic of other Democratic leaders, such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, Republicans have been the number one enemy for more than twenty years—not only to Soros and his funded leftist liberals but also to Islamists.
The agency "CTV News" reports that on October 7, a pro-Palestinian rally took place in Vancouver, where chants of "We are Hezbollah, we are Hamas" were shouted, although both groups are listed as terrorist organizations by Canada's Public Safety Department.
At the rally, slogans like "Death to Canada, death to the US, death to Israel" were shouted, and the Canadian flag was burned. As the Strugatsky brothers once said: if you do not stop the gray ones, the blacks will come. Now we clearly see how this principle operates. Russia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen. What Ukraine and Israel are currently doing is standing up against evil.
Translated from Latvian by Andrew Andersen