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The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

December 22, 2020

Photo: REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Some of the top owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden are entirely secret because a corrupt U.S. Supreme Court, in the infamous 2010 Citizens United case, encouraged not only corruption but corruption that’s entirely secret or “dark money.” However, most of the individuals who purchased Biden to become the U.S. President did so under the previously existing laws, which require public reporting of their donations.

Here, then, are the top ten publicly known donors to the Biden campaign, but these are all via some sort of Political Action Committee or PAC, and therefore most are in conjunction with other billionaires and centi-millionaires, instead of entirely solo donations:


Top Contributors, federal election data for Joe Biden, 2020 cycle

totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Contributor Total


The 11th-largest (which will now be shown) happens to be not Democratic billionaires but Republican billionaires. However, Michael Bloomberg, the former Republican Mayor of NYC, was Biden’s largest donor, and therefore could also be considered to be a Republican donor to Biden’s campaign.

Defending Democracy Together [Republican billionaires] $6,776,862

In other words: the distinction between Republican billionaires and Democratic billionaires is no longer quite clear. Although the manicured PR for each of the two major Parties accentuates the ideological differences between the two, those differences have greatly decreased, except that on the U.S. Supreme Court the Republican ‘Justices’ are far-right (extremist conservatives) whereas the Democratic ‘Justices’ are centrist (liberals). None are, at all, progressives. Progressives don’t exist on that Court. The numbers and natures of that Court’s unanimous decisions make clear that no leftist jurist (progressive or otherwise) sits there. Whereas some billionaires are centrist and others are far-right, none are any sort of leftist. Nor does any leftist candidate for national political office receive any donation from any billionaire but only from poor and middle-class donors. Both of America’s Parties represent mainly the interests of billionaires, and this has been documented in the only scientific studies that have been done of the subject. America is an aristocracy not a democracy.

In addition to those and other donations that were made either entirely or mainly by particular billionaires, Biden’s campaign utilized “bundlers,” or well-connected wealthy individuals who invited other well-connected wealthy individuals to their private fund-raising parties for Biden’s campaign; and the list that the Biden campaign assembled of all its bundlers who raised at least $100,000 for the campaign will be presented here. However, first will be noted the hostile reader-comments reactions when the early version of this list — which then was of bundlers who had raised at least $25,000 for the campaign — was made public at the Democratic Party website which is written and run by Taegan Goddard, “Political Wire,” which headlined on 27 December 2019, prior even to the earliest of all the state primaries and caucuses, “Biden Discloses His Bundlers”, and the 36 reader-comments there were overwhelmingly hostile, such as “Gee Taegan, could you make it seem any more suspicious and improper?” Those readers were angry that a Democratic Party news-site would publish an indication that their Party utilizes the same corrupt practices that the Republican billionaires’ Party does. They weren’t grateful for the non-partisan information they had just received, but wanted it not to have been made public. No other news-site did publish it — only Goddard’s site did. And, when, at the end of all of the campaigns the Biden organization issued its legally obligatory final financial reports, on 1 November 2020, neither Goddard nor any other news-site published it: “Once burned, twice shy,” and Goddard didn’t want to get “burned” again.

So, here is that final list, of the 902 Biden bundlers who raised over $100,000 each for him — totaling at least $902,000,000 for him — (which list has never before been published, except at its source):


“VOLUNTEER FUNDRAISERS” [listed on 1 November 2020]

The following individuals have raised at least $100,000 for our campaign and affiliated joint fundraising committees:

Name City, State

Daniel Abbasi Riverside, CT

Jamal Abdi Arlington, VA

Kevin Abel Atlanta, GA

Joyce A. Aboussie Saint Louis, MO

Alyson L. Abramowitz Sunnyvale, CA

Thomas Abt Cambridge, MA

Jerry Acker Huntington Woods, MI

Karen R. Adler New York, NY

Matthew L. Adler Miami Beach, FL

Michael M. Adler Coral Gables, FL

Sara & Robert Adler Washington, DC

Ijaz Ahmad Old Westbury, NY

Matthew Aks Washington, DC

David Alberga La Jolla, CA

Andrew Albertson Washington, DC

John D. Aldock Bethesda, MD

Valerie Alexander Chicago, IL

County Executive Angela Alsobrooks Upper Marlboro, MD

Roger C. Altman New York, NY

Wa’el Alzayat Washington, DC

Joyce Amico Aspen, CO

Hady Amr Arlington, VA

Jennifer Anderson Los Angeles, CA

Robert Mailer Anderson San Francisco, CA

Philip Angelides Sacramento, CA

Mark Angelson New York, NY

Paulette Aniskoff Washington, DC

Mark Arabo San Diego, CA

Robert Arbour Los Angeles, CA

Joe Asher Las Vegas, NV

Sen. Toni Atkins San Diego, CA

Scott Atlas Houston, TX

Magalie & Jean-Philippe Austin New York, NY

Amb. Nicole Avant Encino, CA

Felice Axelrod New York, NY

Kenneth Baer Bethesda, MD

Amb. Elizabeth Bagley Washington, DC

Bela Bajaria Studio City, CA

Laura Day & Frank Baker New York, NY

Sen. Tammy Baldwin Madison, WI

John Ballon Glendale, CA

Marcia Balonick Highland Park, IL

Amy Banse Philadelphia, PA

Amb. Robert C. Barber Cambridge, MA

Brice & Houston Barnes Tallahassee, FL

Judith Barnett Washington, DC

Roger Barnett West Palm Beach, FL

Lisa Blue Baron Dallas, TX

Mayor Tom Barrett Milwaukee, WI

Natalie & Brett Barth Garden City, NY

Amb. Matthew Barzun Louisville, KY

Jeremy Bash Chevy Chase, MD

Amb. Denise Bauer Belvedere, CA

Jonathan Baum Mission Hills, KS

Rep. Joyce Beatty Blacklick, OH

Attorney General Xavier Becerra Los Angeles, CA

Amb. Colleen Bell Los Angeles, CA

Sen. Michael F. Bennet Denver, CO

Mitchell W. Berger Ft Lauderdale, FL

Jim Berman New York, NY

Joshua Berman Chevy Chase, MD

Andi Bernstein Pasadena, CA

Hildy Kuryk & Jarrod Bernstein Brooklyn, NY

Peter J. Beshar Rye, NY

Megan C. Beyer Alexandria, VA

Shailen Bhatt Washington, DC

Ajay Bhutoria Fremont, CA

Jeffrey P. Bialos Mc Lean, VA

Elisa & Robert Bildner Livingston, NJ

Eryn Bingle Riverside, CT

Adam Blackwell Washington, DC

Janet A. Blanchard Beverly Hills, MI

Lisa & Jeff Blau New York, NY

Amb. Jeffrey Bleich Piedmont, CA

Amb. Alan Blinken Ketchum, ID

Leslie Bluhm Chicago, IL

Neil Bluhm Chicago, IL

Sen. Dianne Feinstein & Richard C. Blum San Francisco, CA

Matthew Blumenthal Stamford, CT

Michael Blumenthal Nashville, TN

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester Wilmington, DE

Elan Blutinger Washington, DC

Dayna Bochco Los Angeles, CA

Christopher Boies New York, NY

Amb. Amy Bondurant Key West, FL

Mary Pat Bonner Washington, DC

Carol N. Bonnie San Francisco, CA

Rob Bonta Alameda, CA

Sen. Cory Booker Newark, NJ

Ahmed Boomrod Dearborn, MI

Paul Boskind New York, NY

Beverly Bove Wilmington, DE

Crandall & Erskine Bowles Charlotte, NC

Jill Louis & Randy Bowman Dallas, TX

Bob Brady Wilmington, DE

Peter Bragdon Portland, OR

Jake Braun Chicago, IL

Bob Satawake & Amb. Wally Brewster Dallas, TX

William J. Brodsky Chicago, IL

Rep. Anthony G. Brown Bowie, MD

Jordan C. Brown Los Angeles, CA

Gov. Kate Brown Portland, OR

Kristin Brown Arlington, VA

Sam Brown Silver Spring, MD

Sam Brown Basalt, CO

Russell Budd Dallas, TX

Lauren Budding Brookline, MA

Susie Tompkins Buell San Francisco, CA

Jules Buenabenta San Marino, CA

Susie Buffett Omaha, NE

Molly Buford Washington, DC

Doug Bunch Washington, DC

Ronald Burd Bala Cynwyd, PA

Jonathan Burgstone San Francisco, CA

Ebs Burnough London, London

Sean Burton Los Angeles, CA

Mayor Pete Buttigieg South Bend, IN

Bradley Butwin Old Westbury, NY

Brook Byers Menlo Park, CA

Owen Byrd Palo Alto, CA

Andrew C. Byrnes Redwood City, CA

Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz Middletown, CT

Sonya & Tom Campion Seattle, WA

Trisha Cardoso Los Angeles, CA

Thomas Carnahan Saint Louis, MO

James Carney Washington, DC

Lea Carpenter New York, NY

Martha & Sen. Tom Carper Wilmington, DE

Leonard Carr West Orange, NJ

Michael Carusi Palo Alto, CA

Sen. Bob Casey Scranton, PA

Yolanda Cash Jackson Hialeah, FL

Eric Casher Albany, CA

Timothy Ceis Seattle, WA

Ann Mei Chang Washington, DC

James S. Chanos New York, NY

Swadesh Chatterjee Cary, NC

Mike Cherry Chicago, IL

Richard A. Chesley Chicago, IL

Mark Chorazak New York, NY

Rep. Judy Chu Los Angeles, CA

Robert Clark Saint Louis, MO

Robert A. Clifford Chicago, IL

David G. Clunie New York, NY

Regina Montoya & Paul Coggins Dallas, TX

Andrew Cohen Los Altos, CA

Bruce Cohen New York, NY

David Cohen Chevy Chase, MD

David Cohen Philadelphia, PA

Jason S. Cohen Saint Louis, MO

Phyllis Cohen Houston, TX

Sen. Dick Cohen Saint Paul, MN

Isobel Coleman Locust Valley, NY

Michael Coleman Columbus, OH

Conway Collis Pasadena, CA

Josh Connolly Washington, DC

John M. Connors, Jr. Boston, MA

Ron Conway San Francisco, CA

Sen. Chris Coons Wilmington, DE

Jeffrey Coopersmith Seattle, WA

John Cordisco Newtown, PA

Michael Smith & Amb. James Costos Santa Monica, CA

Jackson Cox Johnson City, TN

Morgan Cox Dallas, TX

Stephen Cozen Philadelphia, PA

Barbara Grasseschi & Tony Crabb Healdsburg, CA

Eric Cramer Philadelphia, PA

Sheila Creal Los Angeles, CA

Hon. Claire Cronin North Easton, MA

Daniel Cruise New York, NY

John Crumpler Durham, NC

Rep. Henry Cuellar Laredo, TX

David Culver Washington, DC

Nelson Cunningham Washington, DC

Brooks Cutter West Sacramento, CA

Ryan Cwach Yankton, SD

Gary Czaplewski Fox Point, WI

Fatema Dahodwala Andover, MA

Bartholomew J. Dalton Wilmington, DE

Margaret & Sec. John Dalton Washington, DC

Lee Daniels Los Angeles, CA

Rep. Sharice Davids Roeland Park, KS

Eric Dayton Wayzata, MN

Rep. Deb Haaland Albuquerque, NM

Carlos Del Toro Alexandria, VA

April McLean Delaney & Rep. John Delaney Potomac, MD

Kath Delaney Kensington, CA

Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro New Haven, CT

Anastasia Dellaccio Washington, DC

Rep. Val Demings Orlando, FL

Anita Denning Takoma Park, MD

Bill Derrough Brooklyn, NY

Steve Dettelbach Solon, OH

Rep. Ted Deutch Boca Raton, FL

Rep. Debbie Dingell Dearborn, MI

Evan Dobelle Pittsfield, MA

John Doerr San Carlos, CA

Sean Domnick Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Amb. Eileen Donahoe Portola Valley, CA

Michael Donatelli Chicago, IL

Mark Donig Atherton, CA

Sen. Joe Donnelly Granger, IN

John Driscoll Stamford, CT

Joy Drucker Washington, DC

Sen. Tammy Duckworth Chicago, IL

Patricia Duff New York, NY

Shefali Razdan Duggal San Francisco, CA

Mayor Mike Duggan Detroit, MI

Sen. Dick Durbin Springfield, IL

Fred DuVal Phoenix, AZ

Pamela Eakes Seattle, WA

Leni Eccles Belvedere Tiburon, CA

Blair W. Effron New York, NY

Paul Egermann Weston, MA

Roger Ehrenberg New York, NY

Kimberly Marteau Emerson & Amb. John Emerson Beverly Hills, CA

Robert Epstein Boston, MA

Joseph Eyer Washington, DC

Marisa Faitelson Buffalo, NY

Joseph L. Falk Miami, FL

Sim Farar Woodland Hills, CA

Mark Feierstein Arlington, VA

Jonathan Feigelson Bronx, NY

Henry Muñoz & Kyle Ferari-Muñoz San Antonio, TX

Genine & Josh Fidler Naples, FL

Steven Fineman New York, NY

Sam Fischer Encino, CA

Jon Fisher Belvedere Tiburon, CA

Andrew Fishman Sag Harbor, NY

Paul Fishman Montclair, NJ

Michael Fleming Los Angeles, CA

Wayne Flick Los Angeles, CA

Hon. Michèle Flournoy Bethesda, MD

Cynthia & Edsel Ford Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Chip Forrester Nashville, TN

Rep. Bill Foster Naperville, IL

David Fraga Brooklyn, NY

Atticus Francken Normal, IL

Amb. Meryl Frank Highland Park, NJ

Sophie Lynn & David Frederick McLean, VA

Vicky Free Matthews, NC

Bill Freeman Nashville, TN

Commissioner Nikki Fried Tallahassee, FL

Anita Friedman San Francisco, CA

Bart Friedman New York, NY

David L. Friedman Boulder, CO

Vincent Frillici Washington, DC

Carol & Louis W. Frillman Seattle, WA

Rep. Martin Frost Alexandria, VA

Shanti A. Fry Cambridge, MA

Glen S. Fukushima Washington, DC

Amb. Edward Gabriel Washington, DC

Rep. Ruben Gallego Phoenix, AZ

Lise Strickler & Mark Gallogly New York, NY

Barbara Gamson Houston, TX

Mayor Eric Garcetti Los Angeles, CA

Amb. Tony Gardner London, UK

Laetitia Garriott De Cayeux Austin, TX

Kathleen Gasperine Concord, MA

Victoria Gavito Austin, TX

Susie & Michael Gelman Chevy Chase, MD

Mike Gerber Philadelphia, PA

Vanessa Getty San Francisco, CA

Jim Gianopulos Beverly Hills, CA

Amb. Gordon Giffin Atlanta, GA

Leslie Gilbert-Lurie Los Angeles, CA

Nancy & Amb. Mark Gilbert Park City, UT

John Gile Los Angeles, CA

Scott Miller & Tim Gill Denver, CO

Michael Gilmore Spokane, WA

Merle & Barry Ginsburg Stuart, FL

Libby & Amb. Mark Gitenstein Seattle, WA

Catherine & Brent Gledhill Chicago, IL

Robert J. Glovsky Boston, MA

Daniel Goetzel Bethesda, MD

Matt Gold Bethesda, MD

Barbara Goldberg Goldman Potomac, MD

Jill Goldman Los Angeles, CA

John D. Goldman Atherton, CA

Steven M. Goldman New York, NY

Claire & Brian Goldsmith Beverly Hills, CA

Russell Goldsmith Beverly Hills, CA

Alicia Goldstein New York, NY

Eric Goldstein Brooklyn, NY

Ehren Gonzales Fenton, MI

Basil Gooden Richmond, VA

Barry Goodman Farmington Hills, MI

Bob Goodman Mamaroneck, NY

Sherri Goodman Washington, DC

Gail Gordon Phoenix, AZ

Felice Gorordo Coral Gables, FL

Barry Gosin Bedford Corners, NY

Ilene Gotts New York, NY

Jonathan Gray New York, NY

Gabriele & Jonathan Greenwald Mc Lean, VA

Rep. Jim Greenwood New Hope, PA

Chad Griffin Los Angeles, CA

Kathleen Grillo Arlington, VA

Jane Whitney & Lindsey Gruson Washington, CT

Patrick Guarasci Milwaukee, WI

Jeffrey Gural New York, NY

Jeremiah F. Hallisey San Francisco, CA

Nora Halpern Bethesda, MD

James Halpert Washington, DC

Amb. Pamela Hamamoto Mill Valley, CA

Carol Hamilton Beverly Hills, CA

William Hammack New Orleans, LA

Taylor Hanex New York, NY

Kari & Craig Hanson Menlo Park, CA

Maria & Jeff Harleston Los Angeles, CA

Deborah L. Harmon Chevy Chase, MD

Hon. Richard Harpootlian Columbia, SC

Peter Harrell Atlanta, GA

Scott B. Harris Marshall, VA

Amb. Jane Hartley New York, NY

Evan Haymes New York, NY

Andrew B. Hayward San Francisco, CA

Tiffany & Alexander Heckler Miami Beach, FL

Melissa K. Hedden Columbus, OH

Sen. Martin Heinrich Albuquerque, NM

Caitlin Heising Atherton, CA

Rebecca Heller Piedmont, CA

Joyce Hendricks Warren, NJ

Tom Hendrickson Zebulon, NC

Jonathan Henes New York, NY

Stephen Herrmann Wilmington, DE

Vicki & Amb. Bruce Heyman Chicago, IL

Amb. Douglas Hickey San Francisco, CA

Rep. Jim Himes Cos Cob, CT

Galen Hines-Pierce Houston, TX

Philip Hinkle Washington, DC

Sen. Mazie Hirono Honolulu, HI

Hon. Fred Hochberg Miami Beach, FL

Michael Hochman Chadds Ford, PA

Roger Hochschild Winnetka, IL

Reid Hoffman San Francisco, CA

Andrew Hohns Philadelphia, PA

Andy Holland Omaha, NE

Robert R. Hoopes, Jr. Bethesda, MD

Andrew Howard Los Angeles, CA

Chrisette & Reginald Hudlin Beverly Hills, CA

Mabelle & John C. Hueston Corona Del Mar, CA

Rep. Jared Huffman San Rafael, CA

Brandon Hurlbut Venice, CA

Nomaan Husain Houston, TX

Asti Hustvedt New York, NY

Susie Hwang Palo Alto, CA

Frank Islam Potomac, MD

Rep. Steve Israel Oyster Bay, NY

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Houston, TX

Leslie Jacobs New Orleans, LA

Kiran Jain Berkeley, CA

Hamilton (“Tony”) E. James New York, NY

Ken Jarin Newtown, PA

Tahir Javed Beaumont, TX

Rep. Pramila Jayapal Seattle, WA

Shavar Jeffries Newark, NJ

Leonard Jernigan Raleigh, NC

Carrie & Coddy Johnson Pacific Palisades, CA

Eartha & Lonnie Johnson Spring, TX

Matthew Johnson Los Angeles, CA

Peter Johnson Gates Mills, OH

Star Jones Chicago, IL

Deborah Jospin Chevy Chase, MD

Karla Jurvetson Los Altos, CA

Sen. Tim Kaine Richmond, VA

Sonny Kalsi New York, NY

Mitchell A. Kamin Los Angeles, CA

Jonathan Kaplan San Francisco, CA

Ramesh Kapur Winchester, MA

Barry Karas Los Angeles, CA

Brad Karp New York, NY

Martha Karsh Beverly Hills, CA

Phil Karsting Washington, DC

Alex Katz New York, NY

Jill Alper & David Katz Grosse Pointe, MI

Jed Katz Mill Valley, CA

Jeffrey Katzenberg Los Angeles, CA

Janet Keller Laguna Beach, CA

Lisa Kelley Menlo Park, CA

Michael Kempner New York, NY

Frank Kendall Falls Church, VA

Rep. Joe Kennedy Boston, MA

Vicki Kennedy Boston, MA

Vicki Kennedy Los Angeles, CA

David W. Kenney, Jr. Denver, CO

Walter Kerr New York, NY

Aleen Keshishian Los Angeles, CA

Alan C. Kessler Philadelphia, PA

Dan Kessler Denver, CO

Amed Khan Suffern, NY

Shahid Khan Framingham, MA

Joe Kiani Irvine, CA

Sheldon Kimber Walnut, CA

Simon Kirk New York, NY

Sen. Amy Klobuchar Minneapolis, MN

Benjamin B. Klubes Bethesda, MD

Susan & Bill Knapp Van Meter, IA

Gabriel Kohan Bethesda, MD

Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis San Francisco, CA

Josh Kramer Washington, DC

Orin Kramer Englewood, NJ

Michelle Kraus Palo Alto, CA

Lisa & Peter A. Kraus Dallas, TX

Ali & Brian Kreiter Norwalk, CT

Douglas Krupp Boston, MA

George Krupp Chestnut Hill, MA

Nicholas Kukrika East Hampton, NY

Norm Kurz Bethesda, MD

Sima Ladjevardian Houston, TX

First Lady Annie & Gov. Ned Lamont Greenwich, CT

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Atlanta, GA

Donna Langley Los Angeles, CA

Sherry Lansing Los Angeles, CA

Alexander Laskey Washington, DC

Alex Lasry Milwaukee, WI

Marc Lasry New York, NY

Lindsay Lassman San Francisco, CA

Paul Laudicina Scottsdale, AZ

Bonnie Lautenberg New York, NY

Sam Lauter San Francisco, CA

Jeannie & Jonathan Lavine Boston, MA

Susan Leal San Francisco, CA

Rep. Barbara Lee Oakland, CA

Dania Leemputte Chicago, IL

Michael L. Lehr Philadelphia, PA

Janni Lehrer-Stein San Francisco, CA

Jon Leibowitz Bethesda, MD

Brian Lemek Potomac, MD

Derek Lemke-Von Ammon Washington, DC

Tom Leonard Philadelphia, PA

Bel Leong-Hong Gaithersburg, MD

Alan Leventhal Boston, MA

Shellie Levin Miami, FL

William A. Levin Muir Beach, CA

Clifford B. Levine Pittsburgh, PA

Amb. Suzan G. LeVine & Eric LeVine Seattle, WA

Randi & Jeffrey Levine New York, NY

Ginger Lew Naples, FL

Loida N. Lewis New York, NY

James Lieber Spencertown, NY

Tim Lim Washington, DC

Jennifer Lin Los Angeles, CA

Nate Loewentheil New York, NY

Bonnie Datt & Chris Lowe New York, NY

Travis Lowe Washington, DC

Christopher Lu Arlington, VA

Claire Lucas Washington, DC

Ellen & Andrew Luger Minneapolis, MN

Heather Lurie Denver, CO

Arthur Luxenberg Great Neck, NY

Tracy & Eric Lynn Saint Petersburg, FL

Kerman Maddox Los Angeles, CA

Asif Mahmood Bradbury, CA

Neil Makhija Philadelphia, PA

Amb. Noah Mamet Marina Del Rey, CA

Susan & Stephen Mandel Greenwich, CT

Chris Mann New York, NY

Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman Arlington, VA

Giulia Marchiori London, London

Gov. Jack Markell Wilmington, DE

Claire DeMatteis & Michael Marquardt Wilmington, DE

Amb. Capricia Marshall Washington, DC

Stacy Mason Palo Alto, CA

Brian Mathis Hermosa Beach, CA

Rep. Doris O. Matsui Sacramento, CA

Melissa Maxman Washington, DC

Dorothy McAuliffe McLean, VA

James McClave New York, NY

Stephanie McClellan Philadelphia, PA

Carol Butler & Win McCormack Portland, OR

Suzanne Sinegal-McGill & Thomas McGill Medina, WA

Brian McGlinchey Wilmington, DE

Virginia McGregor Scranton, PA

David McKean Washington, DC

Dennis Mehiel White Plains, NY

Alexander Mehran San Francisco, CA

Aaron Mendelsohn New York, NY

Laura Michelman Los Angeles, CA

Anthony Miller New York, NY

John W. Miller Milwaukee, WI

William H. Miller III Baltimore, MD

Stacey & Eric Mindich New York, NY

Farooq Mitha Washington, DC

John Monsky New York, NY

Rep. Gwen Moore Milwaukee, WI

Kara Moore New York, NY

Joyce A. Moorehead Sterling, VA

John Morgan Lake Mary, FL

Sarah Morgenthau Washington, DC

Rep. Seth Moulton Salem, MA

Nader Mousavi Los Altos Hills, CA

Scott Mulhauser Washington, DC

Sen. Chris Murphy Hartford, CT

  1. Byrne Murphy Chevy Chase, MD

Janee Murphy Tampa, FL

Rep. Patrick Murphy Jupiter, FL

First Lady Tammy & Gov. Phil Murphy Red Bank, NJ

Ryan Murphy Encino, CA

Georgia Murray Boston, MA

Heather Murren Las Vegas, NV

Charles Myers New York, NY

Liz Naftali Studio City, CA

Shekar N. Narasimhan Dunn Loring, VA

Laura DeBonis & Scott A. Nathan Boston, MA

Marc Nathanson Beverly Hills, CA

Brandon Neal Washington, DC

Mark Nejame Windermere, FL

Ana Janaina Nelson Washington, DC

Grace & Sen. Bill Nelson Orlando, FL

Glenda Newell-Harris Oakland, CA

Joyce Newstat San Francisco, CA

Dominic Ng Pasadena, CA

Mark Nichols Little Rock, AR

Thomas Nides Washington, DC

Steven Nissen Los Angeles, CA

Suzanne Nossel New York, NY

Rep. Glenn Nye Arlington, VA

Roger Nyhus Seattle, WA

Peter O’Keefe Washington, DC

Todd O’Malley Scranton, PA

Michael O’Neil Chicago, IL

Charles M. Oberly III Wilmington, DE

Steven Okun Singapore, Singapore

Esther Oppenheimer Boise, ID

James Ozment Bethesda, MD

CA Sec. of State Alex Padilla Porter Ranch, CA

Eduardo Padron Miami, FL

Lazar Palnick Pittsburgh, PA

Nalini Pande Arlington, VA

Hong Pang Greenwich, CT

Simon Pang San Gabriel, CA

Amb. Joseph R. Paolino, Jr. Providence, RI

Eric Paquette Los Angeles, CA

Deven Parekh New York, NY

Michael Parham Seattle, WA

Cookie Parker View Park, CA

Roshann Parris Leawood, KS

Satya Patel Burlingame, CA

Carrin F. Patman Houston, TX

Sharon L. Patrick New York, NY

Alan J. Patricof New York, NY

  1. Cary Patterson Texarkana, TX

Matthew Paul Des Moines, IA

Nancy & Stephen Paul Beverly Hills, CA

Jim Pederson Phoenix, AZ

Clay Pell Providence, RI

Alexis & Laurence Pelosi Oakland, CA

Carrie Pendolino Burlingame, CA

Carol Pensky Washington, DC

Dana Perlman Los Angeles, CA

Douglas H. Phelps Denver, CO

David Phillips Irvington, NY

Laurinus Pierre Miami, FL

Patrick Pinschmidt Alexandria, VA

Tara Pinto Rockville, MD

Leah Pisar New York, NY

Charlie Pohlad Minneapolis, MN

Rebecca & Robert Pohlad Minneapolis, MN

Gov. Jared Polis Denver, CO

Joseph Power Chicago, IL

Rahul Prakash San Francisco, CA

Paula Pretlow San Francisco, CA

Lisa S. Primus New York, NY

Lisa S. Pritzker San Francisco, CA

Penny S. Pritzker Chicago, IL

Melissa Prober Brooklyn, NY

Nicholas Prouty San Juan, PR

Chuck Pruitt Shorewood, WI

William Pugh Bethesda, MD

Allison Putala Washington, DC

Christian Quilici Arlington, VA

Phil Mercado & Todd Quinn Los Angeles, CA

Norman Radow Atlanta, GA

Bryan Rafanelli Boston, MA

Deepak D. Raj Princeton, NJ

Amb. Azita Raji Belvedere, CA

Erik Ramanathan Wayland, MA

Rion Ramirez Bainbridge Island, WA

Lorna & Wade Randlett San Francisco, CA

Madhavan Rangaswami San Francisco, CA

Deborah & Ronald Ratner Cleveland, OH

Micki & Michael Rawlings Dallas, TX

Phil Recht Los Angeles, CA

Heidi Crebo-Rediker & Doug Rediker Washington, DC

Clinton T. Reilly San Francisco, CA

Gov. Ed Rendell Philadelphia, PA

Joyce E. Rey Beverly Hills, CA

Amb. Julissa Reynoso New York, NY

Joseph F. Rice Mount Pleasant, SC

Katherine Rice Mill Valley, CA

Rep. Cedric Richmond New Orleans, LA

Margaret Crotty & Rory Riggs New York, NY

John Roberti Bethesda, MD

Diane M. Robertson Carrboro, NC

Stephanie Robinson Kentfield, CA

Robert Roche Las Vegas, NV

Desiree G. Rogers Chicago, IL

John W. Rogers, Jr. Chicago, IL

Jeffrey Roh Seattle, WA

Susan Roos Foster City, CA

Eric Rosand Washington, DC

State Sen. Jim Rosapepe Washington, DC

Daniel Rosen New York, NY

Marvin Rosen New York, NY

Lee Rosenberg Chicago, IL

Lizanne Rosenstein New York, NY

Peter Rosenstein Washington, DC

Jennie Rosenthal Cincinnati, OH

Jon Rotenberg Boston, MA

Shannon Rotenberg Burbank, CA

Evan Roth New York, NY

Tom Rothman Los Angeles, CA

Neil Rothstein Redwood City, CA

Stefanie Roumeliotes San Francisco, CA

Cindy Rowe Brookline, MA

Ali Rubin Washington, DC

Sec. Robert Rubin New York, NY

Rusty Rueff Burlingame, CA

Lauren Ruettimann Raleigh, NC

Brooke & David Rusenko San Francisco, CA

Evan Ryan Washington, DC

Timothy Ryan Washington, DC

Javier Saade Washington, DC

Haim Saban Los Angeles, CA

Juan Sabater New York, NY

Bijan Sabet Weston, MA

David Sacerdote Palo Alto, CA

Michael Sacks Chicago, IL

Faiza Saeed New York, NY

Thomas L. Safran Los Angeles, CA

Alex Sagan Cambridge, MA

Joseph Sakran Fairfax Station, VA

Sec. Ken Salazar Denver, CO

Lillian Salerno Frisco, TX

Jill & David Sanford Bronxville, NY

Mark Robertson & Michael Sanzone Glen Ridge, NJ

Amb. Miriam Sapiro Washington, DC

Hon. Lynn Schenk La Jolla, CA

Rep. Adam Schiff Los Angeles, CA

Rep. Brad Schneider Deerfield, IL

Susan Ness & Lawrence Schneider Bethesda, MD

Susan Schoenfeld Harrington London, Westminster

Elizabeth Schrayer Rockville, MD

Michael Schrum Washington, DC

Elaine Schuster Boston, MA

Mark Schuster Boston, MA

Eric Schwerin Washington, DC

Jason A. Scott New York, NY

Shonda Scott Oakland, CA

Fred Sears Wilmington, DE

Amb. Theodore Sedgwick Marshall, VA

David M. Seldin St Petersburg, FL

Amb. Peter Selfridge Washington, DC

Russell Semmel New York, NY

Radhika Shah Palo Alto, CA

Raj Shah Seattle, WA

Rajan Shah New York, NY

Rep. Donna Shalala Coral Gables, FL

Daniel Shallman Los Angeles, CA

Elaine Shamir Santa Monica, CA

Daniel Shapiro Houston, TX

Gina Shapiro Philadelphia, PA

Laura Shell Beverly Hills, CA

Albert Shen Southlake, TX

Rob Shepardson Chappaqua, NY

Linda Rae Sher Chicago, IL

Rep. Brad Sherman Los Angeles, CA

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall Piedmont, CA

Kimberly & Jon Shirley Medina, WA

Virginia Shore Washington, DC

Mark Shriver Bethesda, MD

Mark Siegel Rehoboth Beach, DE

Timothy Silard Oakland, CA

Daniel Silverberg Washington, DC

Robert Silvers Washington, DC

Ian Simmons Cambridge, MA

John Simmons Alton, IL

Deborah Simon Carmel, IN

Elizabeth Simons Atherton, CA

Terron Sims Arlington, VA

William Singer Chicago, IL

Jill & Raj Singh Bellevue, WA

Richard Sirota Irvington, NY

Gretchen Sisson San Francisco, CA

Michael Skelly Houston, TX

Karen Skelton Sacramento, CA

Alex Slater Washington, DC

Samuel Slater Boston, MA

Harry Sloan Woodland Hills, CA

Elizabeth Slossberg Aspen, CO

Bill Smith Washington, DC

Brad Smith Bellevue, WA

Chip Smith Washington, DC

Edward Smith Washington, DC

Rear Admiral Michael Smith Annandale, VA

Todd A. Smith Chicago, IL

Robyn M. Smyers Shaker Heights, OH

Mary E. Snapp Seattle, WA

Andrew Snyder New York, NY

Jay T. Snyder New York, NY

Amb. Nancy Soderberg Jacksonville Beach, FL

Arthur Solomon Providence, RI

Ken A. Solomon Pacific Palisades, CA

Amb. Alan D. Solomont Weston, MA

Mohamed Soltan Fairfax, VA

Jonathan A. Soros New York, NY

Andy Spahn Los Angeles, CA

Janice C. Spector Lewes, DE

Rep. Jackie Speier Burlingame, CA

Mark Spengler Washington, DC

Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel & Amb. Carl Spielvogel New York, NY

Ashley Spillane Washington, DC

Steven Spinner Atherton, CA

Sen. Debbie Stabenow East Lansing, MI

Wendy & Marc R. Stanley Dallas, TX

Andrew Starling Orlando, FL

Amy & Rob Stavis Larchmont, NY

Andrea Dew Steele San Francisco, CA

Bobby L. Stein Jacksonville, FL

Eric Stein Palo Alto, CA

David Steinberg Washington, DC

Joshua L. Steiner New York, NY

Erich Stephens Providence, RI

Susan Stern New York, NY

Jane & Bill Stetson Norwich, VT

Thomas Steyer San Francisco, CA

Richard Stoff Bexley, OH

Tina Stow Washington, DC

Leo Strine Hockessin, DE

Scott Stuber Los Angeles, CA

Victoria Suarez-Palomo Denver, CO

Daniel Suleiman Chevy Chase, MD

Hon. Caroline Sullivan Raleigh, NC

Margaret Sullivan Washington, DC

Sally Susman New York, NY

Rep. Eric Swalwell Dublin, CA

Richard Swig, Jr. San Francisco, CA

Roselyne “Cissie” Swig San Francisco, CA

Mary Green Swig & Steven Swig San Francisco, CA

Dilawar Syed Redwood City, CA

David Tafuri Washington, DC

Ramon Tallaj Paramus, NJ

Laura Talmus Kentfield, CA

Brett Tanzman Short Hills, NJ

Michèle & Kenneth Taylor Atlanta, GA

Cooper Teboe Woodside, CA

Ursula C. Terrasi Weatherby Lake, MO

Nidhi Thakar Portland, OR

Corey Then University City, MO

Kenny D. Thompson, Jr. Washington, DC

Tomicah Tillemann Falls Church, VA

William Titelman Palm Beach, FL

Andrew Tobias New York, NY

Dennis Toner Rehoboth Beach, DE

Attorney General William Tong Stamford, CT

Mariella & Michael Trager Washington, DC

Glen Tullman Chicago, IL

David S. Turetsky Albany, NY

Susan & Michael Turpen Oklahoma City, OK

Maria Hummer-Tuttle & Bob Tuttle Irvine, CA

Marcie Tuttle Orinda, CA

Sen. Tom Udall Corrales, NM

Alex Vaccaro Gladwyne, PA

Christopher Van Es Washington, DC

Ryan Vangrack Chicago, IL

Jon Vein Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Rep. Filemon Vela Brownsville, TX

Juan Verde San Juan, PR

Barbara & John L. Vogelstein New York, NY

Josh Wachs Washington, DC

Judith Wagner Cherry Hills Village, CO

Kenneth Wainstein Alexandria, VA

Dana Walden Los Angeles, CA

Mary Ann Walker Palos Verdes Estates, CA

Mara Wallace Palo Alto, CA

Diana Walsh Palo Alto, CA

Mayor Martin Walsh Dorchester, MA

Mikal C. Watts San Antonio, TX

Cynthia Telles & Joe Waz Los Angeles, CA

William Webster Spartanburg, SC

Richard Weiner Washington, DC

Andrew Weinstein Parkland, FL

Perry Weitz Halesite, NY

Kathleen Welch Washington, DC

Mark Weld Manchester, MA

Peter Shields & Ace Werner Arlington, VA

Tony West San Francisco, CA

Steve Westly Menlo Park, CA

Maureen White New York, NY

Linda Whitlock Newton, MA

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Lansing, MI

Richard Wilcox Roma, RM

David Wilhelm Bexley, OH

John Eddie Williams Houston, TX

Kelly Williams Palm Beach, FL

Whitney Williams Missoula, MT

Robert Wolf Purchase, NY

Gov. Tom Wolf York, PA

Nicole Elkon & Neal Wolin Washington, DC

Amb. Lee Wolosky Scarsdale, NY

David Worley Peachtree City, GA

Jeff Worthe Santa Monica, CA

Dennis Wu San Francisco, CA

Nathaniel Yap Pittsburgh, PA

Hon. Sally Yates Atlanta, GA

Nathanael Yohannes Seattle, WA

Sharon Young Dallas, TX

Sharon & Kneeland Youngblood Dallas, TX

Zaid Zaid Washington, DC

Kinney Zalesne Washington, DC

Lynn Hubbard & David Zapolsky Seattle, WA

Julie Zebrak Bethesda, MD

Allison Zelman Washington, DC

Mary & Jeff Zients Washington, DC

Adam Zurofsky New York, NY

Marc Zwillinger Bethesda, MD


To organize an event that produces $100,000+ for a U.S. Presidential candidate is not like organizing or funding a PAC for the candidate, but it’s the bargain-basement way to buy a piece of that person. Like I previously reported (on 26 January 2020, before any of the caucuses and primaries):

On 27 November 2007, C-Span showed a Joe Biden Town Hall. A brief clip from that was posted online as “User Clip: Joe Biden 2007, Money in Politics”, and here’s my transcription from what I consider to be the most revealing (about Biden’s values) part of it:

27 November 2007, Iowa Town Hall

(0:40-) “People who accept money [from lobbyists] aren’t bad people. But it’s human nature. You go out and bundle $250,000 for me, all legal, and then you call me after I am elected, and say “I would like to come and talk about something.” You didn’t buy me, but it’s human nature, you helped me. I’m going to say, “Sure, come on in.” … What it does mean, it means that the front of the line is always filled by people whose pockets are filled, people who are special interests. Most of you are no part of any special interest.”

He went on there to promise that if elected President he will change that, by campaigning constantly (AFTER winning the Presidency — not BEFORE) against the corrupt system which had made him President. He thinks that his audience will believe in the tooth-fairy, if only he tells them that the tooth-fairy exists and that he’s it. The deceptive irrelevant line from all of the corrupt candidates is the same: “I’m the most electable one!” But corrupt people constantly lie, and nobody is actually certain whom the “most electable” one is; but that’s really not even the question here. What the Democratic primaries are actually about isn’t about beating Trump. He’s not even a candidate in the Democratic primaries. They’re not about ‘beating Donald Trump’, but instead about whom the person will be that’s going to be running against Trump in the general election. The primaries won’t be selecting the next President. They will only narrow the field of contenders, to two. Which two? That’s the question here.

Of course, lots of Democrats think that any Democrat will be better than Trump. And lots of Republicans believe that Trump is better than any Democrat.

Biden was talking there regarding not the billionaires but the merely wealthy and well-connected individuals who had raised in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for him — each one of them.

The billionaires aren’t in “the front of the line,” nor even in any “line”; they are instead maybe visitors for private meetings with the President, or else on the phone with him, or else (if the matter is illegal) maybe sending one’s private agent to meet privately with that billionaire’s private agent. This is how the business of the U.S. Government — the business of America’s ‘democracy’ — is getting done, nowadays. My own guess is that the two biggest owners of Joe Biden now are Michael Bloomberg (representing mainly the financial industries or “Wall Street”) and Bernard Schwartz (representing mainly the military industries or “MIC”).

As for any mere voter, that person gets his or her ‘news’ from corporations that are owned by and/or serve the billionaires (such as Bloomberg or Schwartz or Bezos or Musk or etc.), and gets his or her views from that ‘news’, so is less than being a pawn on the American chessboard, where that aristocracy are the ‘king’. The country is jointly controlled by the Republican billionaires and the Democratic billionaires.

A reasonable expectation would be that Biden will serve the billionaires, though his rhetoric will be phrased to be acceptable to the voters. So, that will be no basic change. America will remain an aristocracy, no democracy.

Originally published in The Strategic Culture Foundation

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